Wednesday, February 8, 2012

hello Feb.

The month of love. Or, as I've heard as an alternative name, singles awareness month..thanks to a little day on the 14th. As a single lady, turned girl friend, turned fiancé, turned wife I've never been that into Valentines day at any point. Even if I were I'd trade red roses for peonies and a fancy dinner for a home cooked meal. Chocolates on the other hand, chocolates can stay.

This weekend we ventured home to San Diego for a short visit and to gain 5 pounds in super bowl snacks. The nutshell of our weekend home.

prior to the 5 pounds of super bowl snacks we visited our two
 favorite places to grab some grub in SD.
We worked and played.
Paul's mini me. 

Like I said above, we played but also found some time to fit some work in! Max and Leigha are two very dear friends of ours. Max was the only person I knew when I came to Vanguard University my sophomore year. And to say that I knew him is to say that he was a friend of a friend.  It just so happened that his future wife would live on the same floor as me. The rest is history. 

Listen to their journey!

1 comment:

  1. such a sweet love story! I Love your guy's films, they are so great!
