Monday, December 19, 2011

baby requests.

It's Sunday evening, I'm pinning away and just happen to pin this Chevron style onesie. It's adorable, I can't pass it up. Then this happens.

Instant baby talk. Just out of curiosity, any other young marrieds out there getting this all.the.time?

Paul and I just celebrated our 1.5 year mark of marriage, plus we're still youngsters. 22 and 23. Does the talk always start this early? I thought we were in the clear for at least 3 or 4 more years. I don't mind it, I just laugh it off. The girls above are Lauren my sis-in-law who is constantly asking me to make her an aunty and Morland is a friend from high school, mother of two, and amazingly crafty lady. Go check out her blog! Love them both. :-) 

Mom's are the worst! Both mine and Paul's like to take their baby jabs each time we go home to visit. Oh ladies..what are we gonna do with you?  Not to burst anyones bubble but babies just aren't on the agenda just yet, or for the next 4 or so years. Honestly, I have puppy fever rather than baby fever. We have so much we want to accomplish before little Gilsters. Expand our business, buy a house, move to San Diego..the list goes on. Besides, I still feel like a baby myself! Kiddos someday, we promise.

1 comment:

  1. Ha! This is cute!
    Yes baby talk! Me and My husbs are same age and we both see some cute little baby clothes and get all into it but reality hits quickly and we realize all the things we want to experience before we move too forward. lol I totally relate with the whole puppy fever thing, My dog is my baby and that's good enough for me for a couple more years. =)
