Wednesday, March 2, 2011


So Paul and I have been pondering the idea of when 618studios would become my full time job. Ever since i've been in college I've worked as a nanny for various families. I love kids, but no baby Gilsters. Well..I recently got news that the family I have been nannying for part time for the past year is going to begin enrolling their child in the YMCA after school starting March 14th. So pretty much next Friday will be my last day. (Sigh). what to do? We have 2 options.

1. Look for another job (brilliant, I know)

2. Take a leap of faith and begin the journey of self-employment earlier than expected? (scary!)

Ideally, we were planning on making the switch in about 3 months when wedding season begins to pick up. But I'm just not sure, I think we have decided to take it slow and see where the Lord takes this. I'd like to say that we have control over this situation when in reality we don't, we would love prayers in this time!

1 comment:

  1. With your talent and faith- I believe you will be successful. Go with your gut; go with the guidance you feel. You will be successful. Love and hugs to you both
