#1. Me: "Hey mom, let me call you back, the video is done uploading I gotta plaster it all over facebook/twitter." Pretty much that's what happens when a new trailer is ready to be released..for those of you who haven't seen it, which is probably like no one because it's all over my fb page, 618's fb page, twitter..you name it, it's there. Enjoy!
#2. I have a job interview tomorrow! God is good. Super cute fam, 4 kids, 7 minute drive from my place, prayers needed :) thank you. (short and sweet).
#3. The time has come...the 4 year old Macbook pro laptop that I got my senior year in high school as a graduation present is on the borderline of retiring. It's just gotten too much for old bessie (that's not really it's name, i'm not the computer naming type). I have been editing all our weddings on this trooper for the past 6 months and it's time to move on to bigger and better things. Say it with me like angels singing..."ahhhhhh.."
come to mama.
I can see by the picture on the screen of the mac that you are indeed a bottom docker once again!