Thursday, March 10, 2011


Paul says this title is inappropriate. Whatevs. Here is a look into all the various lenses we use while shooting a wedding, when we use them, and which are our favorites.

Canon 35mm f/1.4
This is probably our second favorite lens of the bunch. The color+clarity on this bad boy is unreal. We are always sure to use it for all groom prep, venue prep, and speeches (sometimes). Because it's a F/1.4 we can use this after the sun sets and the party begins during the reception.

Canon 85 f/1.2

We don't use this guy for all our weddings, but if we can we will. At first it was a little awkward for us to get used to handling, but seeing as though it's an f/1.2 it works so great in low light situations such as speeches, first dances, cake cutting...all the fun reception traditions. 

Canon 50mm f/1.2

I've said it before and i'll say it again, best.lens.ever. If I was a camera, I would marry this lens. I kind of hog it all for myself the day of. I shoot all the bride prep with it, and we use it for basically anything else we can during the day: first look, venue prep, speeches, first dances. It's our go to lens.
Canon 16-35mm f/2.8

This lens is near and dear to our hearts...our very first lens purchased. Sadly, we don't use it as much because we are really loving our primes right now but it is used for all of our stedicam/slider shots, it does a pretty great job if we do say so. 

Canon 70-200mm f/2.8

BOOM. we break out these bad boys for about 80% of the ceremonies that we shoot. I kind of feel like a sniper. For weddings that may be in a dark church or for an evening ceremony we would most likely use the 85mm just because the 70-200 can't handle low-light the same way. It's a great lens all around though!
So, there you go! I'm thinking about trying something different on the blog soon, video blog posts? I know crazy huh..we'll see. :)

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