Thursday, December 1, 2011

The 25 days of Christmas

I like to go on adventures and I love when Paul wants to join me. He is more of the take it easy, hang on the couch, watch a movie kind of guy. Which is perfect for me but drives me crazy at the same time because I'm go.go.go all the time. Which is good for Paul but drives him crazy at the same time..

We're good for each other in a weird way.

I love Thursdays because it's Paul's short day at school and he gets home early enough to go out and do something fun! Obvious adventure day. We both decided it was time to get our tree. After bringing big boy home we spent the evening listening to the Justin Bieber Christmas album (Paul's choice I swear by my life!) and hanging ornaments on our tree. Eventually we had to end our adventurous evening by going back to work and homework for Paul but it was great while it lasted. I love nights like these.

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