Thursday, October 20, 2011

and the tears came.

I'm not a very emotional person, my mother actually calls me "stone heart" (not kidding). Hey, all I can say is a got it from her ;-) she knows it too. Last week was probably the most stressful work weeks yet due to many different reasons and it left me completely drained both mentally and physically (I've been taking lots of naps) this week. Being emotionally drained as well, I was starving for any positive feedback. Being your own boss is tough because it's hard (especially for me) to pat yourself on the back and praise yourself on how great you are doing. Sometimes I long for a boss to reassure me of things like this or just to say, "Hey Kelley, great work today." 

Last night when Paul came home from school we went out to run some errands. First things first, burgers at five guys, then to home depot, target, and Albertsons. As we were walking into Albertsons I checked my email to find this little message from a bride and groom who had just received their DVD's and watched their wedding video for the first time together.

Kelley and Paul,

Again, thank you so much for the work you did.  We were able to relive our wedding day!  It was so much fun watching it and can't wait to share it with family and friends.  We hope you're well.  Good luck in all you do!

Immediately I begin to cry, Paul looks over at me as we are about to walk into to do some grocery shopping and I'm standing there looking completely helpless with tears in my eyes. "Oh boy" he says, and kind of begins to laugh at how pathetic this situation is. "It's just been a really hard week" and I begin to cry more. I can only imagine what the fellow Albertons shoppers were thinking. But I didn't care. 

Their message wasn't amazing, no it didn't change their life. But it was just the amount of reassurance I needed to refuel me for this week. 

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