Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Back to clean eating and getting in shape

So you know how they say "summer bodies are made in the winter?" Well, I'm hoping that they are made in the Spring too because I'm already late to the game. About a year ago I complete the Whole 30, it was awesome and a huge achievement in my book (I never thought I could do it). Since then I haven't completely relapsed but I've called back into a few old habits, it's so hard not to!! My biggest weakness is when we're with friends, I mean…no one wants to hang with THAT girl. You know, the one who snacks on carrots sticks and snap peas. Gimme those chips & dip or cheese & wine, Mmmm! Anyways…back to my main point to this story, I'm back to clean eating. Not all the time, 80/20. 80 when I'm home, 20 when friends are over or we go out! I seriously notice such a difference in my body and I generally feed so much better. I've been following a fitness girl on instagram (@annavictoria) and downloaded her 4 weeks to fit guide (both the nutrition and workout guide). I would highly recommend them!!
Other than clean eating, I am back at running! After completing my 2nd half-marathon in January I took a short hiatus (ok, almost 3 months). Honestly, I got really burned out. After 16 weeks of following a strict training routine a break was just what I needed. As always, I began to miss it…running is really a love/hate relationship for me, can you relate? No upcoming races (yet) just having run and working on lowering my mile time :) Would love to get back down to a 7-minute mile.

Additional news, we are getting new neighbors! I don't think I've mentioned that we are currently renting a duplex, well 1/2 of it :) We are in the front house and our neighbors are in the back house. They have lived there for 12 years!! My goodness that's a long time. We got word from our landlord that they would be moving at the end of March and tried so hard to get a friend or friend of friend to move in. That would have been so much fun! Sadly, nothing came thru so it's a mystery who our new neighbors will be. Praying they are great! Although, I'm not sure how much longer we will be renting…we looked at places in San Diego a couple weeks ago :) Nothing serious, but it's definitely in the back of our minds.

That's it for now! I will leave you with a selfie that I took with Arthur while running errands. He's a natural, just look at that blue steel! And black in white is always a go to in order to hide 3 day old greasy hair, I'm awful I know.
Sunnies are VANS. Such great glasses for $10!

1 comment:

  1. 7 minute miles?! You go girl! Running is totally love/hate - I get it!! But yes to chips and cheese and wine all day! ;) but I'm with you. I feel a total difference in the way I sleep/feel/look when I put good foods into my body. I've tried really hard the past couple weeks and it's paying off! :)
