Saturday, December 20, 2014

Sweater weather

Wow, December just really got away from me. I was doing SO well keeping up with the blog…and then not so much. This Christmas season is flying by, between friends holiday parties, Christmas shopping, half marathon training and backlog editing there hasn't been much time for anything else. Didn't do a holiday card this year, didn't get around to planning a party….the intentions were all there, I promise.
Another reason why I've been absent is because a friend and I started an instagram account! Totally random, only 3 weeks old, but a lot of fun. We were hanging late on a Sunday night and came up with the idea of starting "GapStyle" People have been asking us why we started it and what our goals are and to be honest…we don't really know yet. All we know is that we shop at Gap quite a bit and decided it would be fun to share our finds with others! It is time consuming but exciting to see something grow and we've already been given a couple items of clothing :) A Gap up in LA invited us up to an event they were hosting and gifted me a pair of jeans and a sweater! We couldn't believe it.
Instagram // @gapstyle