Wednesday, November 12, 2014

gypsy s***

Well, it's happened, I was finally introduced to essential oils and loved them. Now to say I'm surprised of this would be a lie, I consider myself a tad bit hippie dippy-ish. No you won't find me taking wheat grass shots at Mother's market, dreading my hair, or gallivanting around with my new hemp yoga bag…at least not just yet. Just kidding. But here I am jumping on the essential oils bandwagon. Do I think they are going to cure cancer, No. Do I believe they help me to sleep better and feel refreshed, Yes!
 A friend introduced me to them when I stayed the night at her house recently. Each night she blends together a sleep mixture into her diffuser. I believe it consisted of lavender, eucalyptus, know all that heavenly stuff. She also rubs a couple drops of lavender onto her hands and then onto her pillow! She did the same to mine and I'm telling you guys...I've never slept better! I woke up feeling so refreshing and immediately told Paul about it when I got home later that day.
Me: "We gotta get some of this stuff, it's for real, I'm going to rub some on your pillow tonight!"

Paul: "Don't you put that gypsy shit on my pillow!"

I about died laughing at that moment. Everyone who knows my husband about died too when I shared the story with them because it's just so Paul. Anyways, later that day I did go to a local hippie-dippy store and picked up my own lavender oil and love it! I don't use it every night but if I need a great nights sleep or have a big day ahead of me I'll rub a little on my pillow. I've even put a couple drops in my bath too before bed and it's wonderful!

Oh and on a side note, I had to share my latest bargain find. I love home decor and don't believe that it should break the bank. I found this cute frame on clearance at Target for $3 and filled it with a .99 cent greeting card from Trader Joes. I love the happy/soft colors so it's a new favorite on my work desk. I've used TJ's greeting cards a couple times throughout the house as artwork, it's an inexpensive alternative!


  1. I've yet to take the essential oils plunge, but I know it's inevitable and that I'm probably going to become obsessed. Do you use a diffuser? Or just the oils straight up? I have so much to learn...

    1. I still have lots to learn also! Would love to purchase a diffuser at some point but right now I just have my lavender oil :)

  2. I love your photography, Kelly. Hope you enjoy the essential oils.

    1. Thank you! I'm hardly a photog but try my best haha!
