
Sunday, October 28, 2012

I did it!! 10k race.

Going into my 10k (having never run one before) I secretly set two goals for myself. I have no idea why. I hadn't run a distance like this for at least 6 years (early high school) & I just hoped that my 20-30 minutes of cardio 3x a week for the past 6 weeks would somehow carry me thru it. My two goals were this…

1. Just keep running - I didn't want to walk at all. Being an athlete, even though this type of distance was above my current shape, I just had to complete the entire 6.2 miles at a jogging pace. 

2. Complete in under an hour - I don't know where I got that time. I just really wanted to beat it.

To my surprise it did BOTH!! Never once stopped for a walk break & completed it in 59 minutes + 13 seconds! Honestly the whole race was an answer to prayer, I was so nervous the night before even googled "how to survive a 10k." Knowing that I wasn't in 10k shape I just prayed that the Lord would give me the confidence in myself to accomplish my goals and He totally answered! They marked each mile so that you could keep track of where you were in the race, at the 3.1 mile turn around I couldn't believe we were already there, it came so fast and I was feeling great :) Mile 4-5 was probably what gave me the most trouble but I knew that if I could keep going that I would definitely feel motivated enough for the remaining 1.2 once we hit mile 5. My dad stayed with my the whole time and we kept each other going with short conversation "half way there, almost to the end, 1 more mile to go" The sun was warm but we managed to finish together! I was so glad that my dad had pushed me to run the 10k with him, I felt so proud that I was able to push my body to complete that distance. 1/2 marathon next?


  1. Congrats girl on completing both of your goals! I wouldn't be able to do it! I really wish I had the drive to complete one of these, so fabulous!
    xo TJ

  2. Kelley, that is SO awesome! Congratulations! Not only for running in the 10k, but also completing BOTH of your goals. I bet that was so rewarding for you.

    1. Thank you Kasey, I was feeling pretty high and mighty that day :)
